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Being off two wheels is painful

Posted on 12th February, 2012

Ahoyhoy Peeps. Isa youz okeyday?

Bueno in El Calafate btu only just!

I left Puerto Natales early to get to the Chilean National park - Torres del Paines but en route Jean (my temp Brazilian travelling buddy) had more bike trouble with his chain coming off both sprokets and his rear sproket looking like it had done 50,000miles. At this we parted ways, him limping back to Puerto Arenas to try to find some parts (tomorrow prob) and me onwards and most definately upwards to Torres del Paines.

After some great knarly roads in the park I ran out of them so hopped off Sir Humphrey to ascend the mountains to see the legendary Mirador del Torres. I had been told at breakfast that it was an 8 hour round trip (and as I was in biker gear they guy prob hadn´t noticed I have boobs and any VERY unfit). Nevertheless up I went and after 6 miles and ascending 800meters I made it. Thanks to using my mobile phone (Nokia N8) instead of my Panasonic video camera I actually have some pictures for you today.





After heading back down and again overdoing it in a rush to get to El Calafate the same I day I made the round trip in 5 walking hours. Not to bad for a fat old man, rubbish for an overweight 34yo. A Granny from Scotland did it and looked not to be breaking a sweat!

After this a 90mph blast along tarmac and a `as quick as I can go run´ through the first of Rute 40 ripio (unmade road) had me arrive just after dark but the lack of light could not hide the smell of petrol. Yes Sir Humphrey had rubbed another hole through his fuel tank´s cross feed pipe. I repaired it this morning and hopefully have prevented it from happening again but who knows after 400miles of ripio that is like sitting on top of a pneumatic drill?

Having no chance to book anything for today by the time I arrive at 10.30pm yesterday I am having as day off and will be embarking on a hike over the Moreno Glacier tomorrow and then the day after hitting the road north. These long days and big distances travelled per day are an unfortuante consequence of me not having enough money to stay away for the original four and a half month trip. The aim now, which should hopefully stave off UK bankrupcy is to complete the trip in 100 days. A nice round number plus its easy to say in Spanish. This means I have to average something like 200miles+ every day. Not as easy as it sounds.


I have a few more pictures for you!

These are from the boat trip to Penguin Island from Puerto Deseado a week back.




And these are a few ones from my journey to El Calafate yesterday evening. Lamas, Ruta 40 and coming down to El Calafate.




Until later, TTFN followers.


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